Astro & Elemental Constitutions:

6/2 (Role Model Hermit), Manifesting Generator, Scorpio/Sag Sun, Pisces Moon, Aries Rising, Scorpio Venus, Water + Metal).

As I grow with age, I find it less and less appealing to prove myself, and over share every detail of my life’s journey and work. However, I do believe it to be especially true that when given the opportunity to share such a gift with those who are genuinely intrigued, I am honored to allocate the unfolding timeline that has led to this very embrace. Like most peoples story, I too, have moments of true regret, some completely ravishing in beauty, worldly travels, familial wounds, true love, grief, self-exploration, and transformative years that really shaped the way I move in the world, and why it is I do, what I do. It goes without a doubt in my mind that I owe my beautiful, yet very challenging adolescent years my expressed gratitude.

At the age of 5 I was first clinically diagnosed with ADHD. I couldn’t have possibly realized it at the time, but this would be a poignant catalyst in finding myself, later in life. To no surprise, as a child I consistently felt out of place, more sensitive than my peers, struggled severely with being shy, and always preferred to do projects either alone or with just one other person. I did not do well in school. I would hyper focus and fixate on a project, food type, person, or activity, until it was time to move on. This made being in the public school system tumultuous, as you are expected to behold many subjects at once. On paper I was labeled a failure, and to this day, I am still surprised I managed to graduate. Thanks to my mother and father, who did not give up on me, I prevailed. However, throughout my childhood and into my teens, I would embark on what at times felt like a puzzle with a piece or two always missing. I was on ADHD medication for most of this time, and in and out of various tutors and therapies; all aiming to figure out what was “wrong” with me.

By the time I blazed into my 20’s, I had really been through the ringer. My soul deeply lacked spiritual oneness, healthy sisterhood connection, optimism, and authentic joy. My body was brittle, after nearly 2 decades of being on stimulants and not eating well, or enough. I had my fair share of being wild, making poor decisions, out sourcing for my pain, and I really believed the world was out to get me. Victimhood had reared its ugly head, and I was nestled in close. I decided it would be much easier to attach myself to limiting labels like ADHD, being on the spectrum, and highly sensitive, rather than do the gritty work, that was profoundly needed. I became my own worst enemy; self-sabotage was my best friend.

I was not one of those teenagers who graduated high school knowing what the future would look like. For my peers it was the beginning of their life outside of school, but for me, I felt completely lost and isolated. I secretly wanted to be an Archeologist and Marine Biologist. What was more recognized from my family was that I had beautiful skin. As a child, I had always shared a keen interest in skin-care; I loved watching my mom do her nightly regimen. Her bathroom would fill with heavenly lemon, vanilla, and rose scents. In a way, she had her own apothecary of sorts. When I was a late teen, she booked me my first facial at a local spa called Esthetiques, it was glorious. The whole spa was dark, warm, and moody, yet, uplifting. The lights gave off a particular yellow hue and I was given a white plush robe to wear. The part that stood out the most to me was the massage portion of the Facial; unfortunately it did not last long enough. I remember thinking, people actually get to do this for a living? At the time, it was all very mysterious.

Fast forward to when I turned 21, I graduated Esthetics School in Springfield, MO. My experience was heavy at times, as I began to tap into my natural healing abilities. You may be thinking, how is that heavy? I don’t have a definitive answer, all I know is that when you begin to really see the good in yourself, it rattles you to the core; you die and are born again into a new and courageous version of you— its emotional, surreal, and visceral. During School is when I first realized I carry medicine, I just didn’t know exactly how it would or could grow beyond what I was taught in school. I did not share interest in machines or peels or any other modern fancy gadgets. It didn’t take long for me to see the contradictions within the beauty industry. With this awareness, I held my vision of one day offering massage based facials. A couple of years later I graduated from Massage Therapy School, this is when my life did a 360 turn around. True healing, even if at times was incredibly uncomfortable, anointed my system. I began to experience the world as my ally, I started to pray, I returned to nature for her wisdom and sanctuary.

Early on I had the immense pleasure of working as a dual practitioner in one of Springfield’s top 5 star wellness spas for a handful of years. It’s not common to work alongside seasoned practitioners right out of school, so I guess I was lucky. In 2019 I found a class that changed the course of my career; 5 Element Face Reading and Facial Reflexology. I took a solo trip out to Colorado and didn’t even think twice about signing up. Deep down in my body, I knew this was going to be a major turning point in my career. Because I listened to my heart, trusted Spirit, and was guided by my intuition, I was not led astray. In 2021, I became certified to teach this class, which I have now named “Elementa”. My path has led me to many certifications, and experiences, but this is by far the beginning point in my souls mission.

In 2021 my husband Jeremy and I began communicating with our spirit baby. We knew that we wanted to embark on a healing union journey together, to explore the shadow work realms, and clear out anything that was not going to serve our highest joy as parents to this new soul. Our elder Lisa had a new Mesa Carrier class starting up that fall, and we happily obliged. One month after Mesa 1, we discovered I was pregnant. We finished Mesa 3 in the Summer, and I gave birth to our daughter Freya that September. Jeremy and I were initiated as “Paqos” Mesa Carriers in Shamanic Healing of Peruvian Cosmology in the High Andes. This was an endearing, and vulnerable quest that deepened our connection to each other, ourselves, and the Earth.

Becoming a mother has illuminated parts of myself I didn’t know existed; the beautiful, the powerful, the resilient. The initiation from conception to fully bloomed motherhood has a sophisticated way of fine tuning your goals and dreams, this was and is certainly true for me. Over the years from childhood into adulthood, I have oscillated back and forth between worlds of expectation and destiny. My mission in life explores many archetypes, but the candor vision that is crystal clear is this: I am a leader in beauty, death, and re-birth, with a fiery passion in evoking feminine wisdom through my art, expression, and embodiment. My days are spent mostly with my family cooking nourishing meals from scratch, going for walks in the early morning Sun, listening to wind chimes sway in the wind, sitting with an evening fire, playing with my beautiful daughter, or simply enjoying the elemental marrow of nature.

My greatest pain has bloomed into my medicine story, and now, is my gift to you.
